Thoughts as you get out for your daily fresh air today from your colleagues at Gorman Richardson Lewis Architects!

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GRLA’s commitment to sustainability and making substantive positive impacts on the future health of our collective home is a bedrock principle in our design, processes, and overall approach to doing business. April 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day – a milestone that serves to remind us that we all have an obligation to protect our planet.

Right now, our world is focused on the urgent mission of flattening the curve of COVID-19, better mitigation practices, and ultimately finding a vaccine. A lesson this global pandemic has shown us is the incredible impact that changing humankind’s behavior can have on our environment. Reduced emissions and cleaner water are a result of our shrunken carbon footprint. To the extent our governments, institutions, and communities succeed by coming together during this pandemic, we at GRLA hope you will join us in feeling more empowered to take on the daunting issue of climate crisis. We wish each of you, and our planet, a future of good health

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As part of ongoing efforts to mobilize locally, GRLA is pleased to offer group presentations on the topic of climate reality. GRLA Co-Founder and Principal Scott Richardson has been trained by the Climate Reality Project, led by Al Gore, to be a Climate Reality Ambassador. Scott can deliver an informative, interactive presentation to any group interested in learning more about the challenges we face, and more importantly, the solutions we can all be a part of now. So when we are able to safely resume gathering together, please let us know if you'd like Scott to meet with your group.

Please know that our staff is working remotely keeping all current projects on track and we are available by phone or email. We can't wait to see you again!